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Boost your visibility,
& Close deals faster.

Join 99 Crib to connect with serious buyers, showcase your properties to millions, and streamline your sales process today. We helps you attract the right audience, boost engagement, and convert leads into successful deals effortlessly.

Why Choose 99 Crib?

Reach serious buyers, build strong connections, and close deals faster.

Make Your Listing
Stand Out.

Maximize your property’s visibility with high-quality images, detailed descriptions, and smart listing insights. Enhance your chances of closing deals faster by presenting your properties in the best light.

Capture More
Buyer Interest.

Bring your listings to life with engaging short video reels. Highlight key features, showcase the ambiance, and attract more potential buyers with immersive and dynamic content.

Offer an Immersive
Viewing Experience.

Give buyers/investors an interactive, 3D virtual tour experience. Allow them to explore properties remotely, eliminating geographical barriers and helping them make confident decisions faster.

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Seamlessly Connect
& Schedule Tour.

Chat directly with interested buyers, answer questions in real time, and schedule property tours with ease. Keep buyers engaged and close deals faster.

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